The water supply connected to 79 properties in the Meadow Glen Estate was established in 1993 and managed by Meadow Glen Water Company Ltd until 2010. In June 2008 residents were informed that the Meadow Glen Water Company Director would be retiring, resulting in the liquidation of the Company. An association would be required to manage the water supply lease. A meeting of residents was held on 26th June 2008 and the responsibility for collecting water rates and usage charges was formally handed over to Glen Meadow Community Water Association Incorporated on the 8th March 2010. A committee comprised of a small group of members of The Association (residents) was established in July 2010 to manage the governance of the infrastructure and set suitable pricing for supply and usage to ensure the sound ongoing maintenance and development of the infrastructure, and thereby supply to the community.

The Encumbrance outlining the obligations and responsibilities of the Water Company and Encumbrancer (The Water User) was transferred to The Association along with the 99 year Lease Agreement on the property where the bore and infrastructure is located.

The inaugural annual general meeting of The Association was held on 13th July 2010 and the inaugural committee meeting was held on 27th October 2010, at Meadows Bowling Club, Kondoparinga Road, Meadows.

Water Source is the name of our Newsletter which is distributed periodically.In this we endeavor to keep you posted with important issues, rate information and other relevant decisions which have been made by the Committee.

Other ways in which we can communicate with our residents or share important information is via email, text message, Facebook or messages on your invoices.

To help us keep in touch we ask that you  provide us with your current phone and email details.

The committee meets quarterly