Frequently asked questions relating to the Glen Meadows Community Water Association

Why does the water appear milky or cloudy?

The water may appear milky or cloudy because it has become aerated as it passes through the non return valve located in the outlet pipe. In this situation the tiny air bubbles will slowly dissipate leaving the waters appearance clear after a few minutes.

Does the Association provide potable water to households?

No. The water supplied by the Association to member’s properties is non-potable water. While the Association has a testing regime in place the water is not routinely treated. Members are instructed under the Encumbrance on their property that the water supplied by the Association is not for human consumption; therefore members must supply their own drinking water.

How is the Association structured?

The GMCWA is comprised of one member per property (property owner). The Association does not charge a Membership fee to members and is managed by a committee comprised of the Associations members. The committee is responsible for the day to day management of the Association’s business, maintenance and repairs to the infrastructure, invoicing of the water rates and usage and the supply of water to member’s properties. It is governed by the Associations Incorporation Act 1985 and must adhere to any water licensing conditions as imposed by the Essential Services Commission of South Australia.

Where are the scour points located?

There are 8 scour points located in various locations around the estate (as per map). These scour points do not meet regulations to be used for fire fighting purposes however, the local CFS can access this water for the purpose of refilling their tankers if required. The scour points are checked periodically and maintained by FESSA (Fire Equipment Services of SA) as required.

Please refer to the map

What is the Glen Meadow Community Water Assoc. Inc?

The Glen Meadow Community Water Assoc. Inc. was established in 2010 with the purpose of maintaining the water supply to up to 79 properties in the Meadow Glen Estate. It is managed by a committee of members and is governed by the Rules of Glen Meadow Community Water Association Incorporated.

Can there be more than one member per property?

Membership of the company

Only one membership will be approved, as described on the Certificate of Title. Any of the properties located in the Meadow Glen Estate in the state of South Australia is eligible to be a member of the Association. Membership of the Association is obtained by returning a membership form to the committee. The Association does not charge a membership fee.


Can I sell or give away my entitlement to water?

No. The Encumbrance on your property prohibits reselling of the water. 

How are the water fees and charges determined?

  • The Supply Fee referred to as ‘Water Rates’ is a fixed amount per property irrespective of the quantity of water used. Water rates are to be paid on invoice for the provision of the water service regardless of whether or not water is actually used.
  • The Consumption Fee referred to as ‘Water Usage’ is a two tiered fee that varies according to the amount of water used and is to be paid on invoice.
  • Administration fees are charged for overdue invoices, non-payment of invoices, final readings and special meter readings. Administration fees will also be charged for expenses incurred by the Association when members do not keep water meters accessible or cause damage to water meters.
  • Fees and charges will be determined in such a way that no one member is treated any more favourably than any other member. Fees and charges are determined by the committee to ensure the Association remains viable and solvent.
  • Fees and charges will be decided by the committee to meet the cost of supply. An annual CPI is automatically applied to the water rates and water usage charges.

When should I expect my water bill?

Supply Fee
Each member will be billed twice yearly before January 31 and July 31 for the Supply Fee to be paid 6 months in advance. This is a fixed fee applicable to each member’s property irrespective of the volume of water used. The supply fee is invoiced together with the usage. 
Consumption Fee
  Water usage will reflect the actual volume of water used for the billing period.

  • Water usage from 0kL to 60kL will be charged at the minimum rate
  • Water usage from 60kL to 260kL will be charged at the maximum rate

Accounts are due and payable 21 days from the invoice issue date. Invoices are issued via email, or can be sent via post if a member doesn’t use email. We do not charge a paper bill fee.

Preferred payment is by Electronic Transfer or Direct Deposit to the following account:

Bendigo Bank

Account Name: Glen Meadow Community Water Assoc. Inc.
Account Number:

BSB: 633-000

Reference: Your Lot # (printed on your invoice)

Cheques and Money Orders made payable to “Glen Meadow Community Water Assoc. Inc.”

PO Box 87 Meadows SA 5201

We do not accept payment by credit card, Bpay or Paypal.

Why does the water sometimes have a brownish colour?

Brownish orange discolouration of the water is caused by the presence of iron bacterium. Iron bacterium occurs naturally in bore water and will build up in the pipes over a period of time. When iron bacterium is dislodged or sediment is stirred up it will cause discolouration to the water.

If you notice the water is discoloured it is recommended that you run your garden tap until the water runs clear (a few minutes should suffice) to avoid having the dirty water go through your home appliances and filters. If you have any concerns or if the problem persists after doing this then you should contact the committee to report the matter.

My water bill looks high. What are my options?

Once water passes through the meter any leaks are the member’s responsibility to repair. If your water usage looks too high the first steps that should be taken are as follows;

1. Search your property for possible leaks. (You may have split pipes, leaking joints or faulty shut off valves. The leak may well be underground so look for wet soggy patches.)

2. Turn off all taps (including the toilet tap/s), sprinkler systems and household appliances. Check the water meter for movement. If the meter is still moving this may indicate you have a leak in the outlet pipe or elsewhere. Try to locate the leak before contacting a plumber. If you are unable to locate the leak yourself a plumber can assist you with that.

3. Only turn on the toilet tap/s. Without flushing check the meter for movement. If the meter is moving you have a leaking toilet and need to replace the flush mechanism located in the cistern. Leaking toilets should be turned off at the toilet tap and repaired immediately to minimise excess water usage.

4. Pets and children playing with water equipment, pools and spas should not be discounted.

5. Water theft or vandalism should also be considered. Put hoses away when leaving home for long periods of time (e.g when going on holiday.)

If you have eliminated all of the above possibilities it may be that your meter is not registering correctly. The member for the property should contact the committee on 1300 823 221 to discuss their concerns. The committee can arrange for an approved licensed plumber to attend your premises to flow check the meter. If the meter is found to be faulty it will be replaced and the Association will cover the expenses.

If the meter is found to be working correctly the cost of the plumber will be invoiced to the member.

Meter reading disputes: If you believe your meter reading is incorrect please contact the committee. Only an Association authorised agent is permitted to carry out repairs to meters.

Who manages the water supply?

The water supply is managed by a committee who are elected each year at the annual general meeting. The committee must be comprised of a Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer as well as up to 5 other members.  

What sort of pipes should I use above ground?

Any pipework which is located above ground or is not buried at least 300 mm below ground should be copper or steel. Piping buried more than 300 mm would preferably be PVC.

Who owns the meter?

Glen Meadow Community Water Assoc. Inc. (GMCW) owns the water meter on each member’s property and supplies water to that meter. GMCW’s responsibility for leaks etc ceases at the outlet pipe from the meter going to the property. The water meter remains the property of Glen Meadow Community Water Assoc. Inc. at all times.

It is the Member’s responsibility to ensure the water meter is accessible at all times to be read twice yearly and maintained by an approved agent of GMCW as required.

In the event of damage caused to the water meter or inlet pipe by a member, or other person attending the member’s property, members will be held liable for the cost of repairs or replacement of the meter.

Approved agents GMSC are the only persons authorised to do repairs to Association property.



Where is the bore located?

The bore is located at the southern end of the property adjacent to the estates eastern boundary, past the dam, to the left of the pump shed, beside the creek.

Where is the community water tank located?

There are two concrete holding tanks each approx. 120kL in volume located on the northern end of the property adjacent to the estates eastern boundary. Tank 1 is situated nearest the boundary fence and Tank 2 is located further up the hill in an easterly direction.

How can I improve efficiency?

The more efficiently the water system is used the more cost effective running cost become.

As a member you are responsible for the design, acquisition, installation and maintenance of any reticulation system or plumbing attached to the water meter outlet on your property. Before installing reticulation systems GMCWA strongly recommends that you seek professional advice with a view to water pressure and the potential damage to above-ground systems that may be subjected to physical damage, fire or ultra-violet radiation. In such cases, the GMCWA recommends the use of copper or galvanized steel pipe with metal fittings.. 
As water leaks can happen any time within your system, GMCWA recommends regular checks of the water meter to monitor any irregularities in readings and possible leaks that can result in excessive water use and cost to you.

Why do I need to have a rainwater tank or other drinking water at my property?

The water supplied by Glen Meadow Community Water Assoc. Inc. is untreated bore water and is not for human consumption. The intended use of the water is outlined in the Encumbrance on your property which explains the water is to be used for garden and household purposes only. Although the committee has the water tested (by SA Water) periodically in accordance with SA Health’s Guidelines it is untreated for microbiological hazards.