The Glen Meadow Community Water Assoc. Inc. is an Association comprised of Members established in 2010 for the purpose of maintaining the water supply to up to 79 properties in the Meadow Glen Estate. It is managed by a committee comprised of members and is governed by the Rules of Glen Meadow Community Water Association Incorporated.


(a)      The association will not have different classes or types of membership. All members will be in the same class of membership and have the same privileges and obligations.

(b)     Any person or entity who owns an allotment (or where two or more persons or entities own an allotment then one only of them (not one of each)), supports the objects of the association, agrees to be bound by these rules and applies for membership of the association is eligible for membership. The application for membership must be made in writing and signed by the applicant. Upon receipt of the application by the committee, the applicant will become be a member of the association.

Membership Costs

(a)     Members will not be liable to pay an annual subscription but will pay half yearly to the association the amount determined pursuant to rule 5.2 (b) in respect of each half of a financial year at the beginning of which that member is registered as the proprietor of the allotment in respect of  which that member became a member.   The due date for payment will be as determined by the committee and specified in the invoice in relation to each half.  The committee may impose late fees and interest charges (or either) at an amount or rate determined by it and may recover all such amounts from the applicable member as a debt due to the association.

(b)      The water rates, fees and charges payable by a member for the supply of water to and the consumption of water on or about that member’s allotment will be as determined from time to time by the committee.

(c)       Any member whose payment for half yearly water rates is more than 1 month in arrears is deemed to be an unfinancial member of the association, and the committee may take such action as it considers appropriate to suspend or cut off the supply of water to that member’s allotment (provided always that the committee may reinstate such a person’s membership on such terms as it thinks fit) and that member must indemnify and keep the association indemnified for all costs, expenses, fees, charges, losses and outgoings incurred or suffered by the association in relation thereto.

(d)      The committee may institute legal proceedings to collect all outstanding half yearly water rates from unfinancial members.


(a)      A member may resign from membership of the association by giving written notice thereof to the secretary or public officer of the association. Any member so resigning will be liable for any outstanding subscriptions (which may be recovered as a debt due to the association) and will thereafter no longer be eligible to receive a supply of water for the association or to use or benefit from the water supply system.

(b)      A member will be taken to have resigned from the association and cease to be a member  thereof  upon  transferring  legal  ownership  of  the  relevant  allotment.    Any member so resigning remains liable for any outstanding amounts then owed which may be recovered as a debt due to the association.


A register of members must be kept and contain:

(a)      The name and address of each member;

(b)      The date on which each member was admitted to the association; and

(c)       If applicable, the date of, and reason(s) for, termination of membership.

Membership Pack:  Application for Membership