The business of The Association is managed by a committee comprised of members of The Association (residents) and is governed by the Rules of Glen Meadow Community Water Association Incorporated. The Rules of the Association require that the GMCW Organisational Structure of the committee is to be comprised of a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer and may also have up to five other members (or such other number as approved by the association in general meeting). At each annual general meeting one half of the members of the committee, being the longest serving members, will retire.

The committee must meet together for the dispatch of business at least quarterly and must call an annual general meeting in accordance with the Act and the Rules of The Association.

6.1.     Powers and Duties

(a)     The affairs of the association will be managed and controlled by a committee which in addition to any powers and authorities conferred by these rules may exercise all such powers and do all such things as are within the objects of the association, and are not by the Act or by these rules required to be done by the association in general meeting.

(b)    The committee has the management and control of the funds and other property of the association.

(c)    The committee has authority to interpret the meaning of these rules and any other matter relating to the affairs of the association on which these rules are silent.

(d)      The committee must appoint a public officer as required by the Act.

6.2.     Appointment

(a)       The committee is to be comprised of a chairperson, secretary and treasurer and may also have up to five other members (or such other number as approved by the association in general meeting).

(b)     A committee member must be a natural person, but may be a resident as opposed to a member of the association or an owner of an allotment.

(c)     The first committee of the association will be appointed from the promoters of the association, or be comprised of such persons as hold office prior to incorporation. The  first  committee  will  hold  office  until  the  first  annual general meeting  after incorporation. At this time, one half of the members of the committee, who will be chosen by ballot, will retire from the committee. At each subsequent annual general meeting one  half  of  the  members of  the  committee, being  the  longest serving members, will retire.

(d)     Subject to rule 6.2 (f), no person shall be eligible for election to the committee unless nominated and seconded by a member of the association.  This nomination must be signed and delivered to the secretary of the association at least 21 days before the meeting.

(e)     Notice  of  all  persons  seeking  election  to  the  committee  must  be  given  to  all members of the association with the notice calling the meeting at which the election is to take place.

(f)      In the absence of any written nominations, nominations for that position are to be taken from the floor, nominated and seconded by members of the association and with the consent of the nominee.

(g)    The  committee  may  appoint  a  person  to  fill  a  casual  vacancy,  and  such  a committee member will hold office until the next annual general meeting of the association and will be eligible for election to the committee without nomination.

(h)    In the absence of a resident, member of the association or owner of an allotment’s willingness to fulfil the role of Treasurer, a non-resident, non-member of the association or non-owner of an allotment may be appointed as Treasurer to the committee.

6.3.     Proceedings of Committee

(a)      The committee must meet together for the dispatch of business at least quarterly.

(b)      Questions arising at any meeting of the committee will be decided by a majority of votes, and in the event of equality of votes the chairperson will have a casting vote in addition to a deliberative vote.

(c)     A quorum for a meeting of the committee will be one half of the members of the committee (or where the number of committee members does not divide into a whole number, then that number rounded up to the next whole number).

(d)      A member of the committee having a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a contract or proposed contract, with the association must disclose the nature and extent of that interest to the committee as required by the Act, and must not vote with respect to that contract or proposed contract. The member of the committee must disclose the nature and extent of his or her interest in the contract at the next annual general meeting of the association.

6.4.     Disqualification of Committee Members

The office of a committee member will become vacant if a committee member is:

(a)      Disqualified from being a committee member by the Act;

(b)      Expelled as a member under these rules;

(c)       Permanently incapacitated by ill health;

(d)      Absent without apology from more than four meetings in a financial year;

(e)      No longer the duly appointed representative of a corporate member.